Cut four equal lengths of jute. For a 32-inch hanger, cut four lengths, each 88-inches plus the width of the pot.
How-to Article
How to Make Hanging Flower Pots
Primary Media
Gather the lengths, fold in half and tie a knot to create a hanging loop. Tug on each strand to secure the knot.
Hang the loop from a hook. A few inches from the loop, tie two strands in a knot. Repeat for 4 knots, all the same distance from the top.
Using one strand from two adjacent knots, tie another knot a few inches lower than the first set. Repeat for 4 knots, all at the same level. Tie third set of knots. Finally, gather strands, tie a large knot, leaving a long tail.
Place pot in the hanger, adjusting knots as necessary to fit the pot.
Hang pots indoors or outdoors for rustic decor.