Apricots and Cherries with Ricotta and Thyme


Side Dish
Apricots and Cherries with Ricotta and Thyme

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This dish pairs nicely with a green salad and grilled chicken or fish.

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Servings and Ingredients

Serves 8
½ tsp. kosher salt or sea salt
2 tbsp. olive oil
2 tsp. balsamic glace (thicker than vinegar)
2 (28 oz each) cans pitted apricot halves in light syrup, drained
1 (15 oz) can tart red cherries, pitted, drained
4 to 6 sprigs fresh thyme
¾ c. reduced-fat ricotta cheese
⅓ c. goat cheese crumbles
⅓ c. chopped fresh parsley
1 tbsp. chopped fresh thyme
grilled whole grain bread, whole wheat pita wedges, water crackers or other plain crackers, for serving


  1. Move oven rack to second position from the heat element. Preheat broiler to high. Spray a 8-1/2-by-11-inch jelly roll pan with non-stick cooking spray.
  2. Mix together salt, olive oil and balsamic glace in small bowl.
  3. Place apricots in prepared pan. Scatter cherries on top. Drizzle olive oil mixture evenly over the fruit. Lay thyme sprigs on top of the fruit.
  4. Broil fruit mixture (not too close to flame; adjust shelf position if needed) until tender, juicy and slightly gooey. The edges may brown or even begin to blacken as sugars caramelize, approximately 15 minutes.
  5. Remove from oven; tuck spoonfuls of ricotta around the cooked fruit. Sprinkle with goat cheese.
  6. Return pan to broiler until cheese is slightly brown and melted.
  7. Remove pan from broiler; carefully remove charred thyme sprigs if desired. Sprinkle broiled fruit with chopped fresh parsley and thyme.
  8. Serve immediately on pieces of grilled whole grain bread, whole wheat pita wedges, water crackers or other plain cracker of choice.

Nutrition facts


280 Calories per serving

Amounts Per Serving

  • Total Fat: 6g
  • Cholesterol: 15mg
  • Sodium: 210mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 57g
  • Protein: 5g

Recipe Source:

adapted from Pacific Coast Producers.