BBQ Ranch Chicken and Bacon Wrap


Main Dish
BBQ Ranch Chicken and Bacon Wrap

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BBQ ranch chicken and bacon wrap served on a green plate with red grapes

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    Servings and Ingredients

    12 Banquet Original Chicken Breast Tenders
    ¼ c. ranch dressing
    2 tbsp. Hunt's Original Barbecue Sauce
    4 (8-inch each) flour tortillas
    1 c. shredded lettuce
    ½ c. chopped tomato
    8 slice(s) bacon, cooked crisp
    ½ c. shredded cheddar cheese


    1. Prepare chicken tenders according to package directions.
    2. Combine dressing and barbecue sauce in a small bowl. Spread tortillas evenly with dressing. Cover each tortilla with 1/4 cup lettuce; press lightly into dressing. Top evenly with tomato, chicken, bacon and cheese. Roll up tightly.

    Recipe Source:

    ConAgra Foods Inc., Hy-Vee Seasons Summer 2009.