Beet Pasta


Main Dish
Beet Pasta

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Clump of beet pasta strands dusted with flour

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    This homemade pasta gets its rich flavor and deep red color from using roasted beets in the pasta dough.


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    Servings and Ingredients

    Serves 8
    1 large red beet
    1 c. semolina flour
    ¾ c. Hy-Vee whole wheat flour
    ¾ c. Hy-Vee all-purpose flour, divided
    ½ tsp. Hy-Vee salt
    3 Hy-Vee large eggs

    Things To Grab

    • Small saucepan
    • Food processor
    • Fine-mesh sieve
    • Large bowl
    • Small bowl
    • Pasta machine
    • Pasta drying rack or wire cooling rack
    • Airtight container for storage


    1. Cook one red beet in a small amount of water until softened. Transfer beet mixture to a food processor. Cover and process until paste-like consistency. Strain mixture, reserving 2 tablespoons beet puree and 3 tablespoons liquid; set aside.

    2. In a large bowl, stir together semolina flour, whole wheat flours, 1/2 cup all-purpose flour and salt. Pour mixture onto a clean work surface and make a deep well in the center with your fist.

    3. In a small bowl, whisk together eggs, 2 tablespoons beet puree and 3 tablespoons beet cooking liquid. Add egg mixture to the well. Gradually mix the egg mixture into the flour using the fingers to bring the ingredients together into a firm dough.

    4. Use as much of the remaining 1/4 cup flour as needed to dust the work surface while kneading the pasta until smooth and elastic, 8 to 10 minutes total. Cover and let rest for 10 minutes.

    5. Divide dough into four equal portions. Start to feed one portion through the widest setting of a pasta machine. As the sheet of dough comes out of the machine, fold it into thirds and feed it through again. Repeat 4 more times to knead the dough, ensuring the pasta will be silky smooth. Lightly dust dough with all-purpose flour as needed to prevent sticking.

      Hyvee Culinary Expert Tip
      If you do not have a pasta machine, on a lightly floured surface roll one portion into a 12-inch square about 1/16-inch thick. Lightly dust both sides of squares with additional flour. Let stand, uncovered, about 20 minutes and cut as desired.
      Hy-Vee Seasons Magazine
    6. Pass the pasta through the machine again, starting at the widest setting and gradually reducing the settings, one pass at a time, until pasta is 1/16-inch thick. To make cutting easier, lightly dust pasta sheet with flour and place on clean kitchen towels for 15 minutes. Repeat with remaining portions. Pass pasta sheet through the chosen cutters of pasta machine or cut to shape by hand.

    7. Hang cut pasta on a pasta drying rack or spread on a wire cooling rack. Let dry for up to 2 hours.

    8. Place in an airtight container and chill for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 1 month.

    9. How to Cook Pasta: Throw the pasta into a large pot of boiling, salted water. You will need about 4 quarts water and 3 tablespoons of salt for every 13 to 18 ounces of fresh pasta. Using a large volume of water will prevent the pasta from sticking together. Stir the pasta only once or twice. If you have enough water in the pan and you stir the pasta as it goes in, it shouldn't stick. Quickly bring the pasta back to boiling; stir and continue to boil, uncovered, until pasta is al dente, or firm to the bite, 2 to 4 minutes, depending on the size and dryness. Immediately drain the pasta. Serve the hot pasta immediately with your favorite sauce or just a drizzle of olive oil or melted butter and a smattering of fresh herbs constitutes a sauce when the pasta is as tender and tasty as this.

    Recipe Source:

    Hy-Vee Seasons Health 2015