Bow-Tie Pasta Salad


Bow-Tie Pasta Salad

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    Servings and Ingredients

    Serves 4
    2 c. bow-tie pasta or mastaccioli
    2 c. cooked pork, chicken, turkey, or beef cut into bite-size strips
    4 small Florida oranges, tangerines, or tangelos, peeled, sectioned, and seeded
    ¾ c. sliced red onion separated into rings
    ½ c. fat-free mayonnaise dressing or salad dressing
    ⅓ c. frozen Florida orange juice concentrate, thawed
    spinach leaves
    ½ c. sliced pitted ripe olives, optional


    1. Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain; rinse with cold water and drain again.
    2. In a large bowl toss together meat strips, citrus sections and onion. Add pasta and toss gently.
    3. For dressing, in a small bowl stir together mayonnaise dressing, thawed orange juice concentrate and paprika. Pour dressing over salad mixture; toss gently.
    4. To serve, line 4 dinner plates with spinach; spoon salad mixture atop spinach. If desired, top with olives.

    Nutrition facts


    490 Calories per serving

    Amounts Per Serving

    • Total Fat: 12g
    • Cholesterol: 70mg
    • Sodium: 330mg
    • Total Carbohydrates: 70g
    • Protein: 30g

    Recipe Source:

    Florida Orange Juice and the American Cancer Society.