Chicken Almond Salad Sandwich


Main Dish
Chicken Almond Salad Sandwich

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Chicken Almond Salad sandwiched between two slices of Pumpernickel

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    Servings and Ingredients

    Serves 8
    1 (2 pound) Hy-Vee rotisserie chicken
    ½ c. finely chopped celery
    ⅓ c. finely chopped red onion
    ½ c. light mayonnaise
    2 tbsp. Hy-Vee lemon juice
    1 tsp. celery salt
    Hy-Vee salt and Hy-Vee pepper, to taste
    ½ c. Hy-Vee sliced almonds, toasted*
    ¼ c. golden raisins, optional
    16 slice(s) Hy-Vee bakery pumpernickel or whole-wheat bread
    8 Bibb lettuce leaves


    1. Remove skin and bones from chicken. Shred meat into large mixing bowl.
    2. Add celery and red onion; mix to combine. Stir in mayonnaise, lemon juice, celery salt, salt and pepper.
    3. Add almonds and, if desired, golden raisins; mix to combine.
    4. Spoon chicken salad onto 8 of the bread slices; top with large Bibb lettuce leaf and remaining bread slices.
    5. *To toast almonds, heat a dry skillet over medium heat. Add almonds to the pan and toss until golden brown.

    Nutrition facts


    304 Calories per serving

    Amounts Per Serving

    • Total Fat: 12g
    • Cholesterol: 48mg
    • Sodium: 487mg
    • Total Carbohydrates: 29g
    • Protein: 20g

    Recipe Source:

    Try-Foods International.