Classic Sourdough Bread


Side Dish
Classic Sourdough Bread

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    Throw your expired yeast packets aside and adventure into the art and science of making sourdough. You won’t regret it!


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    Servings and Ingredients

    Serves 24
    30 grams active Sourdough Starter
    110 grams filtered warm water (85°F to 90°F)
    110 grams unbleached bread flour
    Bread Dough
    640 grams filtered water, divided (85°F to 90°F)
    20 grams coarse kosher sea salt
    870 grams unbleached bread flour
    230 grams active levain
    100 grams unbleached whole wheat flour
    Rice flour, for dusting

    Things To Grab

    • Clean, large wide-mouth glass jar
    • Spoon
    • Plastic wrap
    • Small bowl
    • Large bowl
    • Baker's dusting wand or shaker
    • 2 rice-floured 7-in.-round or 9½ x 5-in. oval banneton baskets
    • 2 tea towels
    • 5½- to 6-qt. Dutch oven
    • Parchment paper
    • Razor blade or bread lame
    • 2 wire racks


    1. For the levain, stir together active Sourdough Starter, water and bread flour in a clean, large wide-mouth glass jar. Stir until flour is completely moistened. (The starter will be a thick, batterlike consistency.) Cover jar loosely with plastic wrap. Let stand at room temperature for 4 to 8 hours or until doubled in size.

    2. When levain is doubled in size, for the dough, place 20 g water and salt in a small bowl; stir until salt begins to dissolve. Stir together salt mixture, bread flour, remaining 620 g water, whole wheat flour and levain in a large bowl. The dough will appear shaggy and a small amount of dry flour will still be visible. Loosely cover bowl with plastic wrap and let stand for 45 minutes or until all of the flour appears moistened.

    3. Uncover bowl. Dampen hands with water. With dough in the bowl, grab part of the dough at the edge of the bowl; stretch dough upward (without tearing) and fold dough over to the center. Slightly turn the bowl and repeat 3 more times. Cover bowl and let stand for 30 more minutes. Then repeat the stretching, folding and standing 3 more times; cover bowl. Let dough stand at room temperature for 4 to 12 hours or until bubbles form on top and sides, and dough is double in size and slightly jiggles when bowl is shaken.

    4. To shape dough, turn dough out onto a lightly rice-floured surface. Divide dough into 2 portions; set one portion aside. Gently pat remaining portion into a rough 16x14-in. rectangle, being careful not to tear the dough. Rotate dough rectangle so the short side is in front of you. Fold the left side up and over to the center. Then fold the right side up and over to meet the outside edge on the left side. With the short side in front of you, roll dough away from you while slightly pressing down to create a short log-shape loaf.

    5. Keeping the short dough log-shape loaf on the work surface, cup your hands around the dough. Move the dough in a circular motion pushing and pulling until ends are tucked under and you have created a round dough ball. Lightly dust surface with rice flour as needed to prevent sticking. Repeat shaping remaining half of dough.

    6. Flour the top of each dough ball with rice flour. Place each dough ball in a rice-floured 7-in.-round or 9½ x 5-in. oval banneton basket, floured side down. Pinch opposite sides of dough together to “stitch” or seal down the center. Loosely cover each banneton basket with a damp tea towel and let stand at room temperature for 1 to 2 hours. Then place in refrigerator overnight (about 10 to 15 hours).

    7. In the morning, place an uncovered 5½- to 6-qt. Dutch oven on the center oven rack; place Dutch oven lid next to Dutch oven on oven rack. Preheat Dutch oven and oven to 450 degrees for 30 minutes.

    8. Once preheated, remove one banneton basket from the refrigerator. Dust the exposed side of the dough with rice flour while in the basket. Place a 12-in.-square sheet of parchment paper on counter. Invert banneton basket with dough onto the parchment; remove basket, dust top with additional rice flour. Using a razor blade or bread lame to make shallow design cuts, if desired. For ventilation while baking, use the razor blade or bread lame to make one ¼-in.-deep cut from one side to the other at a 45-degree angle.

    9. Remove Dutch oven from oven. Pick up all 4 corners of the parchment paper; lift and carefully place dough on parchment in the Dutch oven. Cover with Dutch oven lid. Bake for 30 minutes; remove lid and bake for 10 to 12 minutes more or until bread is golden brown. Remove bread from Dutch oven and place on a wire rack to completely cool before slicing. Repeat baking remaining loaf of dough in preheated Dutch oven.

    Recipe Source:

    Hy-Vee Seasons