Dark Chocolate Pralines with Sea Salt (Get Cooking)


Dark Chocolate Pralines with Sea Salt (Get Cooking)

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Servings and Ingredients

6 tbsp. butter
¾ c. brown sugar
1 ½ c. granulated sugar
1 ½ c. pecans
½ c. evaporated milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 (12 oz) pkg dark chocolate chips
Flake sea salt, as needed


  1. In a 2-quart saucepan, combine butter, brown sugar, granulated sugar, pecans and evaporated milk. Heat over medium-high heat and bring to a volcanic boil for 3 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat. Stir to incorporate cool air until it thickens, is nice and creamy and you hear it scrape on the side of the pot when stirring.
  3. Quickly drop pralines by rounded tablespoons on a piece of parchment paper and allow to cool.
  4. In a microwavable dish, melt chocolate chips. Drizzle chocolate over pralines and sprinkle with sea salt.

Nutrition facts


230 Calories per serving

Amounts Per Serving

  • Total Fat: 13g
  • Cholesterol: 10mg
  • Sodium: 10mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 28g
  • Protein: 2g

Daily Values

Vitamin A 2%
Vitamin C 0%
Iron 6%
Calcium 2%

Recipe Source:

Chef Andrew from Ankeny #1, KCCI-TV recipe, June 24, 2016.