Double Chip Brownies (Gifts in a Jar)


Double Chip Brownies (Gifts in a Jar)

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    Servings and Ingredients

    ⅓ c. cocoa
    ⅔ c. sugar
    ½ c. chocolate chips
    ½ c. vanilla chips
    ⅔ c. brown sugar
    1 ⅓ c. flour
    ⅔ tsp. salt
    1 tsp. vanilla
    ⅔ c. oil
    3 eggs
    chopped walnuts, optional


    1. Combine cocoa, sugar, chocolate chips, vanilla chips, brown sugar, flour and salt in a jar.
    2. Attach the following instructions: Combine the contents of this jar with 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2/3 cup oil, 3 eggs and chopped walnuts. Bake in a greased 9-inch-square baking pan at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes.