Graham Cracker Marshmallow Dessert


Graham Cracker Marshmallow Dessert

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Servings and Ingredients

24 whole graham crackers (1 sleeve)
1 tbsp. butter, melted
1 lbs. marshmallows
1 c. milk
½ pt. unwhipped whipping cream
1 tsp. vanilla


  1. Place graham crackers in a resealable plastic bag and using a rolling pin, roll into very fine crumbs. Mix with melted butter.
  2. Grease an 8-inch square pan. Cover bottom of pan with half the cracker mix, pressed firmly.
  3. Melt marshmallows in milk over very low heat. A double boiler works best, as this mixture burns very easily. Let cool.
  4. In separate bowl, whip whipping cream. Add vanilla. Stir into cooled marshmallow/milk mixture. Pour into crumb-lined pan. Cover with remaining half of crumb mixture.
  5. Refrigerate overnight before serving.
  6. Keep dessert stored in refrigerator.

Recipe Source:

Iowa City Hy-Vee customer Bob Hilton, in memory of his mother.