Johnsonville Easy Sausage Pizza


Johnsonville Easy Sausage Pizza

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Pizza garnished with large chunks of sausage and diced green peppers

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    Servings and Ingredients

    1 (19 oz) pkg Johnsonville mild Italian Sausage, casings removed or 1 (16 oz) pkg Johnsonville mild Italian ground sausage
    1 (12-inch) prebaked packaged pizza crust
    1 c. pizza sauce
    1 ¼ c. shredded mozzarella cheese, divided
    ½ c. chopped green pepper


    1. Pinch ground sausage into dime-sized pieces. Spread sauce over crust; sprinkle with 1 cup cheese. Add Italian sausage pieces and green pepper. Top with the remaining cheese.
    2. Bake according to crust package directions or until sausage is no longer pink (160 degrees) and cheese is melted.

    Recipe Source:, Hy-Vee Seasons Fall 2015.