Parmesan-Crusted Cod Fillets Meal


Parmesan-Crusted Cod Fillets Meal

Primary Media

Plate of cod fillet with side of strawberry sauce and vegetables

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    Servings and Ingredients

    Serves 4
    4 (3 oz each) cod fillets
    ¼ c. Hy-Vee breadcrumbs or crushed Ritz crackers
    ¼ c. Hy-Vee grated Parmesan cheese
    1 tbsp. Italian seasoning
    1 tsp. Hy-Vee garlic powder
    1 tbsp. Hy-Vee lemon juice
    Kosher salt and black pepper to taste
    Hy-Vee Select olive oil
    2 ⅔ c. prepared Hy-Vee Fiesta frozen vegetable blend
    4 individual strawberry applesauce cups


    1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Thaw and wash cod fillets, if frozen. Pat dry on paper towels.
    2. Combine crumbs, Parmesan cheese, Italian seasoning and garlic powder on a plate, mixing well.
    3. Pour 1 tablespoon lemon juice onto separate plate.
    4. Working 1 fillet at a time, place a fillet on the plate in the lemon juice, sprinkle with desired amount of kosher salt and black pepper. Turn the fillet over in the lemon juice and sprinkle seasoning on the other side.
    5. Dredge fillet in the Parmesan mixture, patting it all over fillet to coat.
    6. Place in an oiled baking dish; repeat with remaining fillets.
    7. Sprinkle a little lemon juice over fillets and drizzle or spray them lightly with olive oil.
    8. Bake at 425 degrees for about 20 minutes or until they easily flake with a fork and edges are browning (sprinkle more Parmesan on top if desired).
    9. Serve with vegetables and applesauce cups.

    Nutrition facts


    210 Calories per serving

    Amounts Per Serving

    • Total Fat: 2g
    • Cholesterol: 45mg
    • Sodium: 490mg
    • Total Carbohydrates: 26g
    • Protein: 19g

    Daily Values

    Vitamin A 8%
    Vitamin C 35%
    Iron 8%
    Calcium 10%

    Recipe Source:

    Hy-Vee Corporate Dietitians.