Pistachio-Crusted Chicken with Green Beans


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Pistachio-Crusted Chicken with Green Beans

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Pistachio crusted chicken with green beans

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    With their characteristic green color, pistachios lend a rich buttery taste as well as crunch to the chicken. For nutrients, they offer fiber and protein and are also packed with antioxidants.

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    Servings and Ingredients

    Serves 4
    ½ c. shelled pistachios, finely chopped
    ½ c. Hy-Vee panko bread crumbs
    ¾ tsp. Hy-Vee salt, divided
    ¼ tsp. Hy-Vee black pepper
    4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (1-1/4 pounds total)
    3 tbsp. Hy-Vee honey mustard
    ½ lbs. fresh green beans
    ½ c. Hy-Vee plain Greek yogurt
    1 tbsp. Hy-Vee yellow mustard
    ⅛ tsp. cayenne pepper
    Fresh tarragon, for garnish
    Additional Hy-Vee black pepper, to taste


    1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking pan with parchment paper; set aside.
    2. In a shallow dish, combine pistachios, panko, 1/2 teaspoon salt and black pepper.
    3. Pat chicken dry with paper towels. Brush honey mustard onto both sides of chicken breasts. Coat chicken, one piece at a time, with pistachio mixture. Transfer to prepared baking pan. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through and juices run clear.
    4. Meanwhile, in a large saucepan cook beans in lightly salted boiling water for 8 minutes or until crisp-tender. In a small saucepan, combine yogurt, yellow mustard, 1/4 teaspoon salt and cayenne pepper. Cook over low heat until heated through.
    5. Serve chicken with green beans topped with yogurt-mustard sauce. If desired, garnish chicken with tarragon and sprinkle additional black pepper on green beans.

    Nutrition facts


    310 Calories per serving

    Amounts Per Serving

    • Total Fat: 10g
    • Cholesterol: 75mg
    • Sodium: 710mg
    • Total Carbohydrates: 20g
    • Protein: 34g

    Daily Values

    Vitamin A 10%
    Vitamin C 15%
    Iron 10%
    Calcium 10%

    Recipe Source:

    Hy-Vee Seasons Health 2015, Reciplease! on HSTV.com.