Pizza Pinwheel Pops


Pizza Pinwheel Pops

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    Servings and Ingredients

    about 1/2 c. pizza sauce
    1 (16 inch) pizza crust, unbaked
    1 ½ c. chopped vegetables, such as red onion, mushrooms and bell peppers
    1 c. shredded cheese
    Sliced Canadian bacon, optional
    Popsicle sticks


    1. Spread pizza sauce over crust. Top with vegetables and shredded cheese. Lay slices of Canadian bacon over cheese.
    2. Roll up tightly, as you would cinnamon rolls, to create a “log” shape. Cut dough into 1/2- to 3/4-inch wide slices. Place on a baking sheet, cut side up.
    3. Bake in a 430-degree convection oven for 4-1/2 minutes.
    4. Insert popsicle sticks into sides of pizza rolls to create pinwheels.