Shrimp Salad


Shrimp Salad

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    Servings and Ingredients

    1 (4.5 oz) can medium shrimp, deveined, washed and drained
    2 c. chopped celery
    1 small onion, chopped very finely
    2 eggs, hard-boiled, peeled and chopped
    salt and white pepper, to taste
    1 c. Miracle Whip salad dressing
    6 tbsp. sugar
    2 tbsp. Wesson cooking oil
    2 tbsp. tarragon vinegar


    1. Combine shrimp, celery, onion and chopped eggs. Season with salt and pepper.
    2. Combine Miracle Whip and sugar. Stir in oil and vinegar. Pour over salad and mix together. Refrigerate until ready to serve.