Spring Pizza


Main Dish
Spring Pizza

Primary Media

Pizza crust topped with cherry tomatoes, prosciutto, shredded pizza cheese, eggs and arugula

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    Servings and Ingredients

    1 (13.8 oz) tube Hy-Vee refrigerated pizza crust
    halved cherry tomatoes
    thinly sliced prosciutto
    Hy-Vee shredded pizza cheese
    2 Hy-Vee large eggs
    fresh arugula


    1. Prepare 1 (13.8 oz) tube Hy-Vee refrigerated pizza crust according to package directions for a thick-crust pizza.
    2. For toppers, use desired amounts of halved cherry tomatoes, ribbons of prosciutto and Hy-Vee shredded pizza cheese.
    3. Crack a couple large Hy-Vee eggs in the middle. Bake until eggs are set but still runny. Top with arugula and fresh basil.

    Recipe Source:

    Hy-Vee Seasons April 2017