Summer Time Turkey Burger


Main Dish
Summer Time Turkey Burger

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Turkey burger on lettuce, topped with melted cheese and red onion

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    Servings and Ingredients

    Serves 6
    2 lbs. 85% lean ground turkey
    3 tbsp. chopped red onion
    3 tbsp. Lea & Perrins steak sauce
    3 tbsp. steak seasoning salt
    6 hamburger buns, split and toasted on grill
    ⅓ c. raspberry jam
    1 large red onion
    ½ c. cilantro, off the stem
    6 leaves lettuce


    1. Preheat grill on high.
    2. In large bowl, combine ground turkey, chopped onion, steak sauce and steak seasoning salt. Pat out 6 burger patties.
    3. Place patties on oiled grill grates for 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Toast inside of buns, divide raspberry jam, and spread on heel of buns.
    4. Cut large red onion into 18 thin slices.
    5. Place 1 piece of lettuce, 3 rings of red onion, and a couple sprigs of cilantro, put on top of burger, close and enjoy!

    Recipe Source:

    Sutter Home, Hy-Vee weekly ad from the week of May 15, 2013.