Tangy Lime Grilled Top Round Steak


Tangy Lime Grilled Top Round Steak

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    Servings and Ingredients

    Serves 4
    1 (about 1 pound) beef top round steak, cut 3/4 inch thick
    ¼ c. fresh lime juice
    2 tbsp. brown sugar
    2 tbsp. vegetable oil
    1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
    3 large cloves garlic, crushed


    1. Combine lime juice, sugar, oil, Worcestershire and garlic in small bowl. Place beef steak and lime mixture in food-safe plastic bag; turn steak to coat. Close bag securely and marinate in refrigerator 6 hours or overnight; turning occasionally.
    2. Remove steak from marinade; discard marinade. Place steak on grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, covered, 10 to 11 minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, times remain the same) for medium rare (145 degrees) doneness, turning occasionally. (Do not overcook.)
    3. Carve steak into thin slices. Season with salt and pepper, as desired.

    Recipe Source:

    www.beefitswhatsfordinner.com, The Healthy Beef Cookbook