Ugly Sweater Fruit Platter


Ugly Sweater Fruit Platter

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What do you bring to a ugly sweater party?  A matching ugly sweater fruit platter, of course!  This colorful and bold fruit platter will be talk of your holiday office party.

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Servings and Ingredients

Cream cheese fruit dip
Fresh mint, for garnish
Granny Smith apple wedges
Pomegranate arils
Green seedless grapes
Basket & Bushel strawberries, hulled
Hy-Vee Short Cuts peeled and cored whole pineapple, sliced and halved
Basket & Bushel blueberries
Hy-Vee Short Cut cantaloupe small chunks
Basket & Bushel red raspberries
Golden berries
Peeled kiwi slices
Red apple slices
Orange slices

Things To Grab

  • Spoon
  • Small serving bowl
  • Large round platter


  1. Spoon fruit dip into a small serving container; garnish with mint, if desired. Set dip aside.

  2. Arrange remaining ingredients in horizontal rows on a large round platter; place orange slices on top blueberries.

  3. Serve dip alongside the fruit platter.

Recipe Source:

Seasons December 2019