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January 2020
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FREE Dietitian Discovery Sessions

Location: Marion Hy-Vee
Type: Health & Wellness

Looking to improve your personal health or that of your family? Schedule a complimentary 30-minute session today. During this 30-minute session, dietitian Melissa will:

Obtain a brief diet and lifestyle history
Learn your primary health and nutrition concerns
Help you set initial goals for change

Make your appointment today!  Limited time slots available. Please contact Melissa with questions at 319-377-4803 or [email protected].

Thursday, January 30, 2020 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Start Time Max Participants Register
12:00 PM 1 (1 remaining) closed
12:30 PM 1 (1 remaining) closed
1:00 PM 1 (1 remaining) closed
1:30 PM 1 (1 remaining) closed