Frighten up your space this Halloween season by using fresh flowers to make eerie décor. These fun, easy ideas will add a spooky effect to your front porch or entryway. Stop by Hy-Vee Floral for everything you need to get started!
A Web of Intrigue
Creepy Crawly Creativity: Dramatic burgundy roses from Hy-Vee Floral set the stage for Halloween hijinks. A glass vase provides a clear view of what’s happening below: plastic spiders spinning their fake webs for a true Halloween fright.
Mum Moon
A Crescent of Chrysanthemums: No carving required! Just pick up some mums from Hy-Vee Floral, remove the stems, then hot glue the flowerheads on the surface of a pumpkin to create a crescent moon.
Croton in a Cauldron
Heat Things Up: A few fragments of dry ice make this cauldron-style pot look like it’s ready to boil over. Amping up the heat factor even more are the fiery hues of a croton plant and its backing of eerie-looking painted black twigs.