Bloody Finger Dogs


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Bloody Finger Dogs

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    Eek! So creepy! These severed-looking fingers are sure to be a hit at your next scary Halloween party.

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    Servings and Ingredients

    Serves 8
    1 (1-in.-wide) white onion wedge, for decorating
    1 (16-oz.) pkg. bun-length hot dogs (8 ct.)
    1 (16-oz.) pkg. Hy-Vee Bakery white hot dog buns (8 ct.)
    Hy-Vee thick & rich tomato ketchup, for serving and decorating

    Things To Grab

    • Small saucepan
    • Paring knife
    • Large nonstick stick skillet
    • Instant-read thermometer


    1. Fill a small saucepan with about 3 in. of water; bring to boil. Add onion wedge and cook just until softened. Drain and rinse with cold running water. Pat dry and set aside.

    2. Trim one end of each hot dog to fit the length of a hot dog bun. Use a paring knife to carve an area on the untrimmed end of each hot dog for a fingernail. Mark fingerlike joints on each hot dog by making shallow horizontal cuts.

    3. Cook hot dogs in a large nonstick stick skillet over medium heat until evenly browned and heated through (165 degrees).

    4. To decorate, cut fingernail shapes form thin pieces of cooked onion. Insert onion nails on the hot-dog carved areas for fingernails. Place hot dogs in buns and drizzle with ketchup.